Stay in the Know about Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs



It may feel like everyone is doing it, but in reality, only a small percentage of teens drink alcohol on a regular basis. The resources below share facts on why it is important for your brain and your body to wait until you are 21 to drink alcohol.

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Tobacco/Nicotine & Vaping

Using vaping products or e-cigarettes can make you fall off your game. Whether you play sports or sing, you need your lungs to be top notch! Check out our resources below to make sure you know all the facts before you pick up that vape.

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Youth Marijuana Banner.png


Let’s be honest - it can be really difficult to keep up with all the information coming out about marijuana. Our resources below aim to help answer some of your questions and set the record straight on this hot topic.

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Other Drugs:

You’ve heard it before and chances are you’ll hear it again - NO prescription medication is safe to consume unless it is prescribed for YOU by YOUR doctor. Your sibling, friend, neighbor, teammate, etc. does not know your medical history or how certain medications react when consumed together. It’s definitely better to be safe, than sorry, so talk to your doctor if you feel you need medication.

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