2024 Youth Video Contest


Communities that Care of Greater Downingtown (CTC) is thrilled to announce its 4th annual alcohol, tobacco, and other drug (ATOD) prevention youth video contest winners. All 7th - 12th grade youth who live in the Downingtown Area School District were invited to create a motivational video message to share how their healthy lifestyle choices can also influence others to not use drugs or alcohol.

Downingtown West High School ninth grader, Lauren Hancock, won first prize in the video contest for her motivational video which highlighted all the ways her healthy lifestyle choices could create a ripple effect and help others. The second place winners, Ishaan Karamchandani, a tenth grader from Downingtown STEM Academy, and Rishab Jain, a twelfth grader from Downingtown STEM Academy, co-created a video which showcased examples of ways they can help their neighbors & community members by choosing a healthy lifestyle and not using drugs or alcohol.

The video contest winners will each receive a cash prize, ranging up to $250.00, and will be featured on CTC of Greater Downingtown's social media channels. To view the winning videos, visit our YouTube channel link at the bottom of our website: www.dtownctc.org.

CTC of Greater Downingtown knows that most youth do NOT use drugs and alcohol and they wish to celebrate that through this video contest. The Downingtown Area School District Pennsylvania Youth Survey (PAYS) data supports this statement as 85.6% of DASD youth said that they had not used alcohol in the past 30 days and 90.1% said that they had not used marijuana in the past 30 days (PAYS 2021).